Perth's Best End-of-Lease Cleaning Service
How much Does End-of-lease Cleaning Service cost in Perth?
Cost of End-of-Lease Cleaning service start from $200 for Small 1 bedroom,1 bathroom apartment up to $800 for big 4 Bedroom Houses.
How Much Do Cleaners Charge Per Hour For End-of-Lease Cleaning?
Most End-of-Lease Expert Cleaners in Perth charge Between $45 an hour to $80 an Hour.
End of Lease Cleaning Prices in Perth based on Rooms
Get a customized estimate
These Prices are for reference only. Actual Priced is calculated based on Condition and requirements of Property.
End of Lease Cleaning cost Calculator for Perth Houses
Please note this calculator provides an estimate only. This is NOT a quote.
*We are Hour Based Cleaning Service.
*Our Professional Cleaner will Quote you the hours and Price on the day of service however this quote is almost always same as the estimate provided by the form below.
* For Customized Estimate and Booking Please Contact 0414 766 556
*No Upfront Payment